「13天死11人」聖母峰4年最嚴重!攻頂凍僵倒地死亡 運屍畫面曝光

2019年05月30日 08:17

▲登山客奇勒里(Rohtash Khileri)上傳托運屍體的畫面。(圖/翻攝自每日郵報)

▲登山客奇勒里(Rohtash Khileri)曝光托運屍體的畫面。(圖/翻攝自Instagram)


聖母峰因排隊人潮,造成山頂「大塞車」,短短13天內造成11人死亡,也是這4年來聖母峰攻頂死亡率最高的一次。登山客奇勒里(Rohtash Khileri)安全回到家後,就在網路上傳一段4名夏爾巴人(Sherpa,或譯為雪巴人)托運屍體的畫面,並且呼籲民眾要尊重山及夏爾巴人,如果山友無法抵抗大自然,就不要冒著生命危險。



截至目前為止,已經有11名登山客命喪聖母峰。第11名罹難者為62歲律師庫利許(Chris Kulish),來自美國科羅拉多州。他攻頂之後,在下山回營區的途中不幸死亡,家人也證實這項消息,「他在世界最高峰,看到了人生最後一次的日出,在他熱愛的事情中過世。」庫利許和登山俱樂部「7 Summit Club」的成員一起攀登聖母峰,並趕在近期天氣好時攻頂。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

This video teaches every climber a lot. . We must understand this situation. . Sherpas are the form of a God in the mountains. . We should respect them. And should also respect the mountains. . If we have a slight problem in the mountains. . So you should talk to Sherpa quickly. . And should get back down from the mountain. . We can not fight with nature. We must not risk our lives. . Because there is also our family who is waiting at home. . Must have to think about them. Every mountain you see here will be right here. . All the mountains of the world will meet you here. . So you take care of yourself. . . Full Videos ➡️ #Youtube channel = link in #instagram bio . @everester_rohtash_khileri_29 . #rescue #sherpa #team #mountaineer #commando #mt #mount #everest #mteverest #mounteverest #mounteverestofficial #everestsummit #everest2018 #everest8848 #everest2019 #summited #mounteverestchallenge #mountevereststory #mountains #adventure #adventuretime

Commando_Of_Mountain(@everester_rohtash_khileri_29)分享的貼文 於 張貼

