拜託讓我進去!狗狗被棄養抓門狂哭 主人竟然潑水驅趕

2018年02月12日 17:43

狗狗被棄養在門口還被潑水。(圖/翻攝自Yary Animalista)

▲不管別人怎麼安慰,狗狗一心一意想要回家。(圖/翻攝自Yary Animalista


美國德州有隻狗狗被主人丟出門,牠不斷哭泣抓門想進屋,卻被「潑水」驅趕,大狗狗不斷抽氣讓人心都碎了心碎。發現狗狗的網友Yary Animalista在貼文中說明,「我們按門鈴詢問了,但屋主堅持不是他們的狗狗。」目前狗狗已有志工安置,雖然暫時到了安全的地方,但汪汪一心一意只想要回家。

Yary AnimalistaPO出一段讓人心碎的影片,一隻比特犬米克斯失落地看著一扇大門,低著頭嚶嚶抽氣著,即使別人輕聲安慰「沒關係寶貝,過來這裡」,狗狗還也不理會,只是在門邊守候著,用爪子抓門想要進去,大狗狗無助地哭聲,真的好讓人捨不得。

Yary Animalista將影片PO上網,希望有人幫忙救援,有網友猜想「會不會是狗狗以前住在這裡?」、「會不會是家裡沒人?」,但Yary Animalista按門鈴詢問之後,得到最悲傷的結果,狗狗看到門開了很開心,但是屋裡的人堅決否認是他們的狗,甚至潑水驅趕,把家門口都潑溼了,就是不讓狗狗在那裡逗留。

Yary Animalista一開始在附近朋友家放了狗籠,讓狗狗能夠進到裡頭休息避寒,但汪汪哪裡也不想去,牠只想要回家。目前狗狗已經被志工安置,帶離了逗留的屋子前面,難以想像牠以這樣的方式離開家,會有多麼心碎。

Help!! Please!!! Someone told me about this bebé We don not know if he is from this house where he keep crying or if it was abandoned He does not want to leave that house! I put cage outise my friend house So he can sleep there But he does not want to be anywhere that is no in that house We think maybe its theirs They threw tje street I asked them but they think its not theirs What the di is that they throw water! To scare him away The throw water where he sleeps so he does not stay there in the entrace of the house Dina Puedo end me feeding him But we cant not bring it with us because we don not have a space But is breaks me the heart see It as it touches the door must have A lot cold Want to je calm inside house! :( Please!!! Someone who Help he!!! Please!!! Please!!!! area alief

Yary Animalista 貼上了 2018年2月11日

