退休父母「手作貓床」助女兒的救援組織 網被爸笑容圈粉:超了不起



韓國一名女網友Christina Ha現今和父母住在美國,她利用TikTok分享父母親在2019年時,關了經營40年的訂製男裝店退休,雖然他們的生意非常好,但爸爸已經79歲了,也該為了晚年生活著想。


女兒本身是紐約第一家貓咪咖啡廳Meow Parlour的聯合創始人,同時也是同名非營利救援組織的創辦人。當他們縫口罩而剩下的布料太多時,想到還可以拿這個布料來製作一些貓床給大家!父母過去幫顧客訂製衣服時就很注重細節、裁縫等功夫,因此縫個貓床也絕對不馬虎,手工縫出來的床既整齊又漂亮。

@whiskstowhiskers I spent most of my college years imagining that I would become a fashion PR executive one day. As an intern, I sent clothing to magazines, cleaned up showrooms, and worked many Fashion Weeks - often multiple shows per season. But eventually, these things lost their luster. Shortly after college, I enrolled in a haute couture school where I learned all the hallmarks of a well constructed garment. In a lot of ways, it made me truly appreciate clothing and when 'Valentino: The Last Emperor' came out, I was floored by the beauty that emerged from people's hands and imaginations. But it also made me lose interest in my work. At work, when I flipped everything inside out to look at the seams, I was constantly disappointed. I remember one time asking my roommate what I would do if in my 30s, someone asked me to describe how I spent the last decade of my life. Would I be proud? Eventually, I started to crave being able to work with my hands. I wanted to be able to hold something that I made. I'm not very good at making clothes because I didn't have the patience to finish them, but baking was different. If I finished baking, I could eat what I made and I could share. Cookies make 99% of people happy (and I don't want to be friends with people who are anti-cookies!). I got this from my parents. They didn't make the clothes they sold at their stores, but they would make adjustments to suits to make them fit their customers better. Through the relationships they built, they got to be part of weddings, proms, holidays and even funerals. Their work wasn't abstract to them because they collected stories. To get there, they worked with their hands every day. I left my old career path because my peaceful place involves putting my hands to work. Nowadays, my parents get to produce well-made things from the beginning to the end and I still make cookies. But in our free time, we get to make and collect stories. When I had my quarter life crisis 13 years ago, I don't think any of us could have expected that the stories would involve itty bitty kittens. #catdadha #smallbusiness #kitten #asianparents #fosterkittens #orphankittens ♬ To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra & Patrick Watson

▼Meow Parlour貓咪咖啡廳

一開始他們先把做好的貓床送給一些收養貓的主人,或中途之家試用,也會製作貓狗的絨布玩具等等。之後他們開始接訂單,做好的貓床、玩具就會在Meow Parlour網站上進行販售,營業額一部份捐給同名救援組織,另一部份給父母作為手工製作的辛勞費用。

@whiskstowhiskers Replying to @susanlovesfae This was unexpected, but my parents were absolutely psyched when I told them about all of you. My mom clapped and cheered and my dad kept asking me for high fives all day. I'm really grateful that my parents get to spend their retirement in a meaningful way that gives them purpose, joy, and pride. Plus, they get to help cats! Our new foster is about 6 days old and she is doing really well thanks to you. I'd love some name suggestions for her. #catdadha #catdad #fosterkittens #smallbusiness #adayinthelife ♬ Bundle of Joy (From "Inside Out") - Benny Martin






Christina Ha的爸爸已經高齡近80歲了,卻還是很樂在製作這些東西去貢獻自我,退休生活也還是過得很有意義呀~看的人都會感到很溫馨,難怪有許多貓奴們看到瘋狂下訂單支持。


@whiskstowhiskers My parents made it back to Korea and I've never seen my dad happier. He said it brought him so much comfort to be in a place where everyone understands him when he talks.  #catdadha #korea #returnhome ♬ Love You Still (abcdefu romantic version) (v1) - Tyler Shaw

via TikTok、thedodo

關鍵字: 萌獸寵物救援組織貓咪咖啡廳貓床玩具Meow Parlour新冠肺炎Christina Ha韓國








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