弄掉球=出包了! 7種英文用法表達「搞砸」 認錯也要很潮





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screw up 犯錯、搞砸、弄糟

形容詞 screwed 有「搞砸的、糟糕的」的意思,而要表達某人出包或搞砸時,就能使用這個 screw up 片語。例如:

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You’d better gear yourself up for the coming event so you don’t screw it up.(你最好為即將到來的活動上緊發條,才不會把它搞砸。)

The moment the boss walked in looking angry, I knew that I had screwed up.(老闆一臉怒氣走進來時,我就知道我搞砸了。)

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mess up 犯錯、搞砸、弄糟

動詞 mess 有「把...弄亂」的意思,因此 mess up 自然就是指「搞糟或弄糟某事」囉!例如:

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Are you sure you want to assign such an important task to her? I'm afraid she might mess up again.(你確定要把這麼重要的任務交給她?我怕她可能會再次出包。)

He messed up on the driving test the first time but successfully passed on his second attempt.(他第一次考駕照時搞砸了,但第二次嘗試就順利通過。)

blow it 錯失機會

動詞 blow 有「毀掉自己的成功機會或浪費一個良機」的意思,因此要表示「錯失良機」時,我們就可以使用這個片語,或者也可以說 blow one’s chance。來看個例子:

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This is your one chance to make up for your mistake. Don’t blow it.(這是你唯一一次彌補錯誤的機會。別搞砸了。)

drop the ball 搞砸、犯錯、出包


Kevin was down in the dumps because he dropped the ball again.(Kevin 很沮喪,因為他又出包了。)

slip up 因粗心而失誤、犯錯

名詞 slipup 是「錯誤、失誤」的意思,動詞片語 slip up 則可以用來表示「犯錯、失誤」,特別指因為「粗心」而出錯。例如:

He slipped up on a couple of spellings probably because he didn’t get enough sleep last night.(他粗心拼錯了幾個字,很可能是因為昨天晚上睡不夠。)


ruin (嚴重)搞砸

動詞 ruin 有「毀掉」的意思,也可以用來表示「搞砸某事」,通常用在程度比較嚴重的情況。例如:

He put his foot in his mouth and completely ruined his chance of getting promoted.(他說了不該說的話,完全毀掉了自己的升遷機會。)

spoil 毀掉、搞砸(驚喜)

動詞 spoil 有「破壞、毀掉、糟蹋」的意思,常用來表示「糟蹋一個原本很美好的事情」。例如:

My father got drunk and spoiled the party.(我爸喝醉,把好好的派對給毀了。)

I’m sorry I spoiled the surprise. It just slipped out when I was talking to her on the phone.(我很抱歉我搞砸了驚喜。我跟她講電話時無意說溜了嘴。)


