

1. 「不要穿太邋遢,襯衫一定要扎起來,可不可以穿正式一點的鞋子,拖鞋請在沙灘出現就好!」(Don’t be sloppy. Tuck in your shirt and wear real shoes. Flip flops are only acceptable when you’re on the beach.)

2. 「別穿的像個書生,世界充滿愛,你卻如此枯燥無趣!其實穿件白襯衫簡單就好。」(Not into anything overly preppy-looking. Please, for the love of all things hot, just wear a crisp white button down.)

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3. 「別穿太緊的褲子,看起來就像你媽在四年前幫你買的一樣。」(When shirts and/or pants are too tight. Or, if he looks like he’s wearing something his mom bought him 4 years ago.)

4. 「太緊的褲子、大大地寫上品牌名稱的褲子、太寬鬆的衣服都不行。」(Tight pants. Wearing shirts with name brands across the front. Clothes that are too tight or too big.)

5. 「拖鞋搭襪子,慘不忍睹!」(Socks with sandals.)

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6. 「工地短褲不行!」(Cargo shorts.)

7. 「別戴奇怪的帽子!」(Weird hats.)

8. 「別穿太緊的褲子,除非你喜歡讓別人盯著你的褲檔看。」(Too-tight pants. Buddy, people are staring at your crotch for all the wrong reasons.)

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9. 「我討厭有很多口袋的工作褲,除非你是軍人,不然真的不需要穿。」(I HATE cargo shorts and cargo pants. Unless you’re in the military, there’s no need for that.)

10. 「如果一個男人看起來很粗俗,那罪魁禍首一定是牛仔褲和邋遢的襯衫。」(When men look like slobs. Jeans and a crappy t-shirt don’t cut it.)

11. 「當男生都不洗衣服,或是穿太緊、縫線歪七扭八的衣服,我會感到很倒胃口!」(When a man doesn’t wash his clothes, wears something too small or fitted, and doesn’t get something appropriately hemmed and use staples instead.)

12. 「把褲子穿太低、露出屁股的男生,看起來像用屁股肉硬撐著褲子。」(When guys wear their pants too low (like below their butt) and they look like they can only hold them up by waddling.)

13. 「男人用太多髮膠、涼鞋配襪子、帶金閃閃的大項鍊,真讓人反感。」(Too much gel in their hair, socks and sandals, gold chains.)

14. 「看到他們穿不合身、太髒的衣服,我真想戳瞎自己的雙眼。」(When they wear things that don’t match or are noticeably dirty.)

15. 「我想把發明黑色牛仔褲的人打一頓。」(Black denim should never have been created. Chains are also a hard pass.)


VIA mensfitness
