【英語多益通】看巴拿馬文件懶人包 學「自肥」的英文

▲ 巴拿馬文件的莫薩克馮賽律師事務所(Mossack Fonseca)。(圖/達志影像/美聯社)

文/羅伊伶Janet Lo

近日火紅的「巴拿馬文件(Panama Papers)」,揭露(unveil)多位現任與前任國家領袖以及數十個國家的政商名流將大量資金轉至海外,進行藏富、逃稅(tax dodge)、甚至洗錢(money laundering)等醜聞(scandal)。今天讓我們透過「巴拿馬文件」的相關內幕,學習實用的多益金融與法務單字!

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1. 避稅港 tax haven
The Republic of Panama is considered one of the most well-established pure tax havens in the Caribbean due to extensive legislation that strictly regulates the country's offshore jurisdiction and financial services.


haven一字為名詞,原意為船隻的「避風港」或難民的「避難所」。一旦與tax一字結合,便成為稅務的避風港,即為「避稅港」,等同於中文「逃稅天堂」的意思。但須注意haven與heaven(天堂)時常被混淆,tax haven才是正確的搭配用法,英文並無tax heaven的用法。

* extensive 大量的; 龐大的
* legislation  法規
* regulate 控制;管理
* jurisdiction 管轄權
* financial 金融的;經濟的

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2. 境外公司 offshore company
Some offshore jurisdictions do not require companies to disclose the identity of directors and there is no local residency requirement for directors, which means people could easily transfer the assets to the offshore company without being personally identified with such ownership.


offshore中的shore為「海岸」,而off有「離開、遠離」的意思,因此offshore一字便代表「離岸」,也能翻作為「境外」。而許多用來避稅的境外公司offshore company實質上是所謂的「空殼公司」,便可稱為 offshore shell company,也能稱作是「海外控股公司」offshore holding company。

* disclose 透露
* identity 身分
* residency 定居
* asset 資產
* ownership 所有權

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3. 自肥 conflict of interest
In Iceland, Prime Minister, Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson, confronted by demands for his resignation after documents revealing that he and his wealthy wife had set up a company in the British Virgin Islands led to accusations of a conflict of interest, asked his deputy to take over.

冰島總理甘勞格森(Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson),在有密件指出他與家財萬貫的老婆在英屬維京群島創立公司後,被指控有自肥之嫌,在眾人要求下台之後,已請副手接任。

conflict of interest字面上看起來是「利益衝突」,但其實與中文「利益衝突」意思有些許差異。中文的「利益衝突」主要是描述兩個不同對象間所產生的利益衝突,而conflict of interest則是描述同一個體本身不同的兩個立場間所產生的利益衝突。就好比冰島總理自己身為國家領袖,應該為人民的利益著想,卻為了自身的利益,做出違背大眾利益的行為,在自己身為「總理」與「個人」的立場間所產生了衝突,因此與中文的「利益衝突」意思略有不同,conflict of interest較貼切的翻譯應為「自肥、違背公眾利益的行為」。

* prime minister 總理
* confront 面臨;遭遇
* resignation 辭職;下台
* reveal 揭露
* accusation 控告

延伸閱讀》找工作被英語面試官打槍 她下定決心鍛鍊口說


1. The location is _______________ not only because it’s a true tax haven, but also because of the access and links to all the major highways and the international airport.
(A) desire
(B) desired
(C) desiring
(D) desirable

正解為(D) desirable理想的。此答案必須為形容詞,選項(A) desire並非形容詞,而選項(B) desired為被動式,並不符合本句句意,選項(C)為進行式,但location(地點)後面不能接主動動名詞,地點不會行渴望之動作,因此答案為(D) desirable。


2. The board of directors is planning on setting ________ an offshore company to lower their taxes.
(A) up
(B) on
(C) off
(D) aside

正解為(A) set up建立。各選項詞意分別為(B)決定、(C)引爆、(D)擱置,因此答案為(A) set up。


3. The lawyer asked to be removed from the case due to a conflict of interest stemming from his _________________ with the client.
(A) admiration
(B) association
(C) accreditation
(D) administration

正解為(B) association。各選項字義分別為(A)愛慕、(B)關係、(C)委任、(D)管理,因此答案為(B)關係。
