


The Senkaku Islands are administered by Japan and therefore fall within the scope of Article 5 of the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

歐巴馬總統的「within the scope」,當即成為亞洲各國頭條。「scope」在此是常用字義的「範圍」,within the scope意指「在…範圍之內」;「within」與「scope」都是好字,值得一學,尤其是介係詞within。

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作為介係詞的within算是常用字,讀作[wɪˋðɪn],它可以指「時間」、「距離」與「空間」的「在…之內」。例如我們說「這個投資案能讓公司在兩年之內獲利。」英語可用「The investment project would allow the company to make a profit within two years.」來呈現,within在此用於時間。又例如「他的新屋離購物中心只有走路的距離。」英語可用「His new house is within the walking distance of the shopping mall.」,句中的「within the walking distance」是指走路即可到達的範圍之內,within在此用於距離。

The noise is coming from within the building.

此次歐巴馬總統針對釣魚台的談話,用了「within the scope of…」的說法,意指釣島在「美日安保條約」的「範圍之內」,而台灣的媒體則以「歐巴馬訪日指釣島適用美日安保」作為翻譯,亦算傳神。如果藉由這個機會使你學會了常用介係詞within的用法,那以下出自《多益測驗官方全真試題指南II》裡的題目,肯定難不倒你:

Choosing ______ two very qualified candidates was not easy, but the board has asked Mr. Diego to be the international school's next director.
(A) between
(B) within
(C) about
(D) along

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本題的正確答案是(A)。解題的關鍵字是空格後面的two。介係詞between用於「兩者之間」,而此題句意的重點是在兩個候選人「之間」做決定。答案(B)的within是我們前面所提「釣島適用美日安保(within the scope of…)」的「在…之內」。

歐巴馬對釣島的表態為何挑動了東亞的神經,大概以CNN這句報導最為清楚:「He told a Japanese newspaper that a group of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea claimed by both Tokyo and Beijing "fall within the scope" of a U.S.-Japanese security treaty, implying the United States could step in militarily in the event of a clash over the territory.」



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