阿榮福利味/SafeIP - 隱藏真實IP


可以隱藏真實IP的免費軟體 - SafeIP,突破瀏覽器的限制,連接後不管是使用什麼瀏覽器,對外的IP都是代理伺服器(Proxy Server)的,還有多國的IP可以選擇(美國、香港、英國、法國、奧地利、波蘭、義大利、荷蘭),所以,不僅可以隱藏自己上網的IP,還可以借此突破網管封鎖,達到翻牆的目的,瀏覽被網管限制而無法瀏覽的網站(例如:在大陸上Facebook),還有,也可以運用於瀏覽特定國家的IP才能進入的網站,完全免費、沒有廣告、永不過期!(阿榮)(下載

Hide your IP address and protect your online identity with SafeIP.
- Protect your online identity by hiding your IP from websites, email, games, and more.
- Encrypt all your Internet traffic with a private proxy, either browsing at home or on public WiFi hotspots.
- Choose the anonymous IP location closest to you for the fastest connection speeds.
- SafeIP can be used completely free for unlimited use, without advertisements and never expires.

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