別只會講Happy Chinese New Year!10大口頭金句你學會了嗎?




農曆新年到,一年一度的拜年行程再度展開!想要討紅包、逗利是、財源滾滾來,只靠一句「Happy Chinese New Year」老梗闖蕩江湖,似乎有點不夠力!《VoiceTube看影片學英語》幫你整理出10大口頭「金句」,讓你長知識又可以賺點零用錢!

1. 恭喜發財!
Wishing you prosperity and wealth.

[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀.

2. 五福臨門!
May fortune come to your door.

3. 財源廣進!
May wealth come generously to you.

4. 萬事如意!
May everything go as you hope.

5. 願你健康長壽!
Wishing you longevity and health!

[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀..

6. 大吉大利!
Great fortune and great favour.

7. 恭賀新禧!
Best wishes for the year to come!

8. 迎春納福!
May you welcome happiness with the spring.

9. 願新年帶給你和你所愛的人許多美好的事物和無盡的祝福!
May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!

[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀...

10. 祝新年快樂,並願你幸福吉祥,前程似錦。
I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.



1. I really love your (dress / hair / outfit / etc.).

2. What a beautiful (dress / shirt / blouse / haircut / etc.)!

3. I couldn’t help but notice your + (noun phrase)

4. I have to admit I’m jealous of your + (noun phrase)
