穆斯林女孩也能穿得時尚 她的「頭巾穿搭」美翻所有人

▲穆斯林女孩圖法(Zulfiye Tufa)有感於許多穿著頭巾的女性都渴望能穿得更美,於是開始穿搭教學,引領穆斯林時尚美學。(圖/翻攝自Instagram)


圖法(Zulfiye Tufa)是一名穆斯林女性,而她同時也是一名服裝設計師、造型設計師。她在Instagram上的帳號「thehijabstylist」(頭巾設計師)目前有超過4萬2000名粉絲,她們全都追隨著同一個想法:穆斯林服裝也可以很潮。

[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀.

圖法這幾年來持續分享她的設計和穿搭技巧,在社群媒體上貼出許多優雅好看的頭巾穿搭造型,因此得到了廣大穆斯林女性的迴響,伊斯蘭教規範女性必須身穿「端莊服飾」(modest clothing),也就是在公開場合不能太過顯露身體曲線、也要遮蓋除臉和手的其餘身體部位;對她們而言,頭巾服飾帶有謙遜、端莊、美德的涵義。但是女孩愛美的心仍舊不減,許多穆斯林女孩也渴望可以穿得更美。


Jacket is an older collection of @cmeocollective courtesy of my love @hebbze - you guys are awesome, your positive vibes are almost tangible <3

[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀..

thehijabstylist(@thehijabstylist)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 7月 月 19 6:53上午 PDT 張貼


My beloved @feeeeya - this was made for you im IN LOVE @dianakotb

[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀...

thehijabstylist(@thehijabstylist)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 8月 月 10 9:01下午 PDT 張貼


Batu caves were absolutely amazing. One of the craziest days I've experienced so far! All on snapchat: @thehijabstylist Disclaimer: Can't guarantee you won't get bitten by a monkey if you wear this floral top from @hijab_house - it's was perfect for the heat but the monkeys thought my flowers were edible I think, I literally had one bite into my arm.


That liberating feeling you get when you wear a large hijab


I'll be doing a styling session with Hijab House tomorrow evening, remember to RSVP if you are coming! Three girls will get to take a full outfit to take home. Truly speaking, the most awesome thing about this event is that there has never been a display of modest fashion in such a mainstream shopping location, so excited to represent! For details check out @hijab_house Facebook page

thehijabstylist(@thehijabstylist)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 11月 月 11 3:50上午 PST 張貼


I'll be at the STYLE SESSION @hijab_house is running this Thursday night at 7pm northlands shopping centre has just been opened on Facebook! Make sure you RSVP as there will be snacks and refreshments, free coffee giveaways and .... 3 guests will win an entire @hijab_house and @inayahc outfit styled by me xx See facebook.com/hijabhouse for info

thehijabstylist(@thehijabstylist)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 11月 月 10 3:48上午 PST 張貼


Wearing a @thehijabstylist skirt! I designed this one with the length I like... Let me know if you'd like me to add this to my designs that I make available for purchase. PS... My capes have finished the production phase and will be available for purchase very soon. Will keep you posted! X

thehijabstylist(@thehijabstylist)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 1月 月 11 10:09下午 PST 張貼


今年,圖法創辦了一個專屬頭巾服飾的商城Mod Markits,除了服飾販售,女孩們也可以將自己衣櫃裡不需要的服裝拍賣,也可以擺攤交換物品。這項活動很快就獲得穆斯林的支持,而現在圖法也推出了Mod Markits的app,號召更多喜愛頭巾服飾的女性共襄盛舉,也可以輕而易舉地用手機瀏覽最新的穿搭建議。目前這個網站的市場主要據點在澳洲,未來可望拓展到更多穆斯林人口國家。


▼Mod Markits是專門販買,交換頭巾服飾的網站,提供數萬名穆斯林女孩穿搭建議。(圖/翻攝自instagram)