
影/前新人王明星終結者貝利 退休轉任天使教練

▲▼ 貝利(Andrew Bailey)。(圖/達志影像/美聯社)



現年33歲,2009年拿下新人王的天使隊投手貝利(Andrew Bailey),在台灣時間27日宣布退休,接下來將擔任天使隊助理教練以及即時重播協調員。






Thank you to the A’s, Red Sox, Yankees, Phillies and Angels organizations for believing in me, allowing me the opportunity to play the game and realizing my childhood dream. Thank you to all of my incredible teammates along the way who helped me and inspired me. Thank you to the coaches and coordinators who pushed me and taught me the game. Thank you to the countless athletic trainers, PT’s, strength coaches, surgeons and therapists who helped me through a long list of injuries. Thank you to the fans for always cheering and demanding the best out of me. Thank you to my wife @ladybailey37 and family for the unwavering support over the last 12 years! I am looking forward to new challenges, new memories and hopefully many championships as I am excited to announce I will be joining the Los Angeles Angels MLB staff. #2018 #LetsGo #halos #newbeginnings #springtraining #GoingbacktoCali #azbound #OaklandAs #RedSox #Yankees #Phillies #Angels #ThankYou

Andrew Bailey(@andrewbailey37)分享的貼文 於 張貼


關鍵字: 貝利終結者退休



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